// Acquire post title, categories, and tags (if available)
$post_title = get_the_title();
$post_categories = wp_get_post_categories(get_the_ID(), array(‘fields’ => ‘names’));
$post_tags = wp_get_post_tags(get_the_ID(), array(‘fields’ => ‘names’));
// Placeholder values for Google search doubt
$gpt_keyphrase = implode(“, “, $post_tags);
$gpt_keywords = implode(“, “, $post_categories);
// Process the article content with a rewriter or synonymizer tool (this is just a placeholder)
$rewritten_content = synonymizer_tool($post_content);
// Extract some of the pleased, but not the full article
$formatted_content = ”;
$paragraphs = $dom->getElementsByTagName(‘p’);
// Limit to a sure number of paragraphs, e.g., 3 paragraphs
$max_paragraphs = 3;
$paragraph_count = 0;
if ($paragraphs->length > 0)
foreach ($paragraphs as $paragraph)
if ($paragraph_count >= $max_paragraphs)
$text = trim($paragraph->textContent);
if (empty($text))
// Ensure sentences are not cut off halfway
if (preg_match(‘/[.!?]$/’, $text))
$formatted_content .= ‘
‘ . $text . ‘
$formatted_content .= ‘
‘ . rtrim($text, ‘.,;!?’) . ‘.
‘; // Add a period if it’s missing
// Fallback: Use as much glad as achievable, even if it’s not wrapped in
$text_content = strip_tags($post_content);
$sentences = preg_split(‘/([.!?])/’, $text_content, -1, PREG_SPLIT_DELIM_CAPTURE);
$complete_text = ”;
$sentence_count = 0;
foreach ($sentences as $sentence)
if ($sentence_count >= $max_paragraphs * 3) // Assuming around 3 sentences per paragraph
if (trim($sentence) !== ”)
$complete_text .= $sentence;
if (preg_match(‘/[.!?]$/’, $sentence))
$formatted_content .= ‘
‘ . trim($complete_text) . ‘
$complete_text = ”; // Reset for the next paragraph
// Insert picture based on Google Search question
$google_search_query = “https://www.google.com/search?q=” . urlencode(“I’ve been in business for 40 years and have never felt as desperate as I conduct oneself below Labour… I terror staff will accept more sick days than ever before ” . $gpt_keyphrase . ” ” . $gpt_keywords);
// Example: fetch picture from Google (this is just a placeholder, in authentic implementation, an image-fetching API would be needed)
$image_url = get_related_image_from_google($google_search_query);
if ($image_url)
$formatted_content = ‘‘ . $formatted_content;
// Return the formatted, rewritten, and updated post content
return $formatted_content;
// Placeholder function for synonymizing/rewriting pleased
function synonymizer_tool($content)
// Here you can integrate your synonymizer tool or API to rewrite joyful
// For demo purposes, we’ll just return the original content
return $content; // In production, this should return rewritten pleased
// Placeholder function to gain an photo from Google Search
function get_related_image_from_google($query)
// You would implement a function or API call here to fetch a related picture
// For now, we’ll just return a placeholder photo URL
return ‘https://example.com/placeholder.jpg’;
// Hook into WordPress to format RSS posts when they are retrieved
add_filter(‘the_content’, ‘format_rss_post_content’, 10);